Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Cards Ordered

I just ordered 40 holiday cards to be printed. And I'm really pleased with the illustration that I did. I may sell the original once I get the cards in. I'm probably going to sell singles for $3 each, five packs for $13 and a set of 10 for $22. I'm so stoked!

And due to a generous donations via my mom I'm going to be able to start block printing. Shirts are still too expensive for me so I'm going to start with greeting cards and tote bags. Not sure how much I'm going to ask for the cards and tote bags so I'm just going to cruise around etsy for ideas on how much to charge. No idea when I'm going to order the stuff. I want to say when I get a real job but I'm not sure, I'm already going to be spending $50 on getting a hole in my eyebrow once I get a jorb (present for me)

1 comment:

Simply Wired Custom Jewelry said...

Great blog! I love it when artists put there stuff out there, especially as it's in progress. It really shows their thinking process and what goes into coming up with the final product. You have some really nice pieces!